Mirian Vilela
Executive Director, Earth Charter International
“A wonderful educational instrument that encourages reflection on the connections between past, present and future.”
Bruno Latour
French philosopher, anthropologist and sociologist
“A great poeticoscientific walk synced with narration. A masterpiece to get a sense of history”
Kate Raworth
Environmental Change Institute, Oxford University. Author of Doughnut Economics
“Sometimes the biggest ideas arrive in the smallest packets – so if you want to hold the span of space and time in your hands, these beautiful, mind-stretching Deep Time Cards will show you the way.”
Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
River Cottage
“A very clever idea … giving participants a vivid sense of the vast history of the Earth, and humanity’s small and very recent part in it”
James Lovelock
Earth scientist
“The science which underpins the Deep Time Walk makes it an extremely valuable resource for holistic education and it deserves widespread adoption in schools and universities”
Prof. Iain Stewart
UNESCO Chair in Geoscience and Society & Director of the Sustainable Earth Institute, Plymouth University
“What a gem! A powerful scientific and geopoetic evocation of how humanity is woven into the fabric of Earth’s remarkable past. Fascinating and humbling in equal measure.”
Brian Swimme
Professor, California Institute of Integral Studies
“The most efficacious process we have for initiating ourselves into this radical transformation of human consciousness”
Satish Kumar
Editor Emeritus, Resurgence and VP, RSPCA
“When I experience the Deep Time Walk, I experience who I am.”
David Abram
Author, The Spell of the Sensuous
“Such a powerful tool for bringing one’s own organism into resonance with the organic Earth.”